Thursday 24 October 2013

Start again

NOTE: This is a short story written without using the letter e.

Gushing, swirling, snarling, it sucks this world of its goods. Hours pass as it grows ominously. It has all that a man would want. It has animals, wood, cash, books, and luxury, floating in it, still as a rock. But it knows. It knows what’s missing. It wants to triumph. But that’s only a wish. It knows that its task is difficult. ‘I don’t know what to do,’ it says. ‘I watch this world and all actions that occur within. But its artist is lost. Missing...’

What it wants, it will lack. That’s what’s thrilling. So it hunts what’s lost through thick and thin. But will it find him? Not now. Its smoky body churns bits of world within it. ‘His kind could not go too far,’ it says. Storming forward, it stirs this world in a thick mist. Gloomy thoughts skulking into its foggy soul, it sobs. ‘I will not allow him to go. Not now. I will find him,’ it says.

Slowly, it spots that rascal at this world’s outskirts. ‘Is that him?’ it thinks.

‘It is. It is. It is. Oh! It’s him.’

‘So that’s your hiding spot, you saucy boy. You human.’

‘I’m not human.’

‘I know you. I look for you in all worlds, burying all that you kill. And now…now you will kill Mars, is it?

‘You don’t know my kind. I guard this world.’

‘How you did prior to this?’


‘I will catch you now.’

Slowly but gradually, man skims towards his rival.

‘Wait. Watch this stunning thing that’s known to us as Mars,’ says man with all his might.

‘I can craft this thing till it knows why it subsists.’

‘It’s a violation. I don’t allow humans abusing my worlds.’

‘An opportunity is all I want.’

‘You just play with words. That’s what you do’

‘I don’t. Trust my word.’ Man lifts his right foot away from its cloudy rival, who pays no thought to his motion.

‘Trust you? I spit on you.’

‘I did trust you long back. All you did was discount it for your own goals. You had so much control. And you got that authority from I. As I would sit thinking of how to build you, I thought of my kind. I thought you would fill us with satisfaction and do my work. I was lazy. But now I know.’

It turns back to man and says.

‘I’m sorry I built you. But now I will kill you.’

All is stormy.

It’s a start again.

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